10 Top Kali Linux Tutorials For Beginners—[2023 AUG] — Learn Kali (2024)

Learn about Kali for Linux and how it works with the best kali tutorials for beginners

Kali Linux is the latest Linux distribution from Offensive Security, custom-built for the distinct purposes of performing network security audits and forensic investigations. Kali comes fully loaded with hundreds of integrated tools to perform every aspect of a penetration test.

Kali Linux — Backtrack Evolved: A Penetration Tester’s Guide helps you to develop practical and useful professional skills in the information security industry, while simultaneously delivering the high level of excitement and exhilaration that goes hand-in-hand with the world of computer and network hacking.

Cybercrime is on the rise and information security is becoming more paramount than ever before. A single attack on a company’s network infrastructure can often result in irreparable damage to a company’s assets and/or reputation.

It is no longer sufficient to merely rely on traditional security measures. In order to ensure the security of critical information assets, it is essential to become familiar with the strategies, tactics, and techniques that are used by actual hackers who seek to compromise your network.

Kali Linux — Backtrack Evolved: A Penetration Tester’s Guide will prepare you to enter the world of professional hacking by ensuring that you are well versed with the skills needed and tools used to compromise the security of enterprise networks and information systems.

1. Kali Linux Tutorial For Beginners

#1 Ranking Kali Linux Tutorial! Learn from the pros how to use Kali Linux easily and quickly.

You want to learn hacking with Kali Linux but you do not know where to start? Do you find the command line confusing and intimidating? If yes, this is the perfect course for you. In this Kali Linux tutorial, we start you off with the assumption that you know absolutely nothing about Linux! Starting from scratch you will build up your knowledge on how to use Kali Linux and before you know it you will become fluent with the basic tools and commands not just in Kali, but in most Linux systems.

The course is divided into three parts.

Part 1 — Basics

  • Commands to help you navigate any Linux system
  • Add/remove software and update/upgrade your system
  • Archive and compress files and folders
  • Use wildcards to make daily tasks easier

Part 2 — Administration

  • Editing files
  • Configuring and managing services
  • Managing users, groups and permissions
  • Chaining multiple commands for greater effect

Part 3 — Hacking

  • Download a minimal Linux and build it from scratch
  • Hack it with Kali Linux!

By the end of the course you will have the skills to:

  1. Use common Linux commands like hackers do
  2. Build a Linux target from scratch
  3. Hack the target using what your learnt in the Kali Linux tutorial

Please note that this course builds up on some ethical hacking concepts taught in the Hacking For Beginners ethical hacking course. This is another free course provided by Hackers Academy.

10 Top Kali Linux Tutorials For Beginners—[2023 AUG] — Learn Kali (3)

2. Learning Kali Linux

Using Kali Linux, you can test networks to see if they’re vulnerable to outside attacks. This course helps you explore Kali as well as the careers, techniques, and tools behind ethical hacking — one of the most competitive and sought-after IT security skills.

In this course, you will learn about:

  • Kali Linux as well as the careers, techniques, and tools behind ethical hacking.
  • the tools in Kali as well as third-party solutions such as Deepmagic, Nikto, Burp Suite, and nmap.
  • setting up a virtual environment for testing.
  • configuring Kali Linux.

Here, you will get a short overview of the tools in Kali as well as third-party solutions such as Deepmagic, Nikto, Burp Suite, and nmap.

The course shows how to set up a virtual environment for testing, configure Kali Linux, and install and use toolsets for information gathering, vulnerability scanning, password cracking, and target exploitation.

3. Hacking and Patching

In this course, you will learn how to hack web apps with command injection vulnerabilities in a web site of your AWS Linux instance. You will learn how to search valuable information on a typical Linux systems with LAMP services, and deposit and hide Trojans for future exploitation.

You will learn how to patch these web apps with input validation using regular expression. You will learn a security design pattern to avoid introducing injection vulnerabilities by input validation and replacing generic system calls with specific function calls.

You will learn how to hack web apps with SQL injection vulnerabilities and retrieve user profile information and passwords. You will learn how to patch them with input validation and SQL parameter binding. You will learn the hacking methodology, Nessus tool for scanning vulnerabilities, Kali Linux for penetration testing, and Metasploit Framework for gaining access to vulnerable Windows Systems, deploying keylogger, and perform Remote VNC server injection. You will learn security in memory systems and virtual memory layout, and understand buffer overflow attacks and their defenses.

You will learn how to clone a Kali instance with AWS P2 GPU support and perform hashcat password cracking using dictionary attacks and known pattern mask attacks.

4. Kali Linux Hands-on Penetration Testing Labs

Comprehensive walkthroughs of penetration testing labs using Kali Linux.

This course consists of 100% hands-on technical labs, utilizing Kali Linux to hack a variety of intentionally vulnerable operating systems. All of the resources to build the labs are free. Detailed instructions on how to set up the labs are included within this course (VMware Player, Kali Linux, Kioptrix, etc.). To make the most out of this course, it is recommended that you actually perform the activities within the labs rather than just watch the videos.

The main points that will be covered in this course is enumeration, remote exploitation, buffer overflows, and privilege escalation. These labs will show you how to interpret results from tools such as Nmap, Dirb, and enum4linux, and use them effectively to compromise vulnerable systems. Please note that these labs contain spoilers, and it is a good idea to attempt to compromise the vulnerable systems on your own prior to getting the answers from the walk through that’s provided.

The following is an overview of the labs contained within this course:

Lab 1: Download and Configure Kali Linux

Lab 2: Kioptrix Level 1 — Enumeration and Exploitation

Lab 3: Kioptrix Level 2 — Enumeration and Exploitation

Lab 4: Kioptrix Level 3 — Enumeration and Exploitation

Lab 5: Kioptrix Level 5 — Enumeration and Exploitation

Lab 6: Tr0ll 1 — Enumeration and Exploitation

Lab 7: Tr0ll 2 — Enumeration and Exploitation

The following are bonus labs that were added to the curriculum:

Bonus Lab 1: Security Onion Lab Setup with VirtualBox

Bonus Lab 2: Kali Linux Setup with VirtualBox

Bonus Lab 3: Windows 7 Eternalblue Vulnerable VM VirutalBox Setup

Bonus Lab 4: Windows 7 Eternalblue Exploitation and Snort/PCAP Analysis

Bonus Lab 5: Ubuntu Server 12.04 Vulnerable VM VirtualBox Setup

Bonus Lab 6: Ubuntu Server 12.04 Heartbleed Exploitation and Snort/PCAP Analysis.

5. The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced!

Learn how to do ethical hacking, penetration testing, web testing, and wifi hacking using kali Linux!.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • understand ethical hacking and penetration testing.
  • remain anonymous in hacking and penetration testing activities.
  • get a better job and make money online as a freelancer with Kali Linux skills.
  • gain the ability to secure and protect any network from hackers and loss of data.
  • build a virtual hacking environment, attack networks, and break passwords.
  • comprehend step by step instructions for insulation VirtualBox and creating your virtual environment on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

With this Kali Linux course, you will learn how to install VirtualBox and what to do to create the virtual environment. You will also learn how to install VirtualBox in a Windows 8.1 environment.

In addition, you will learn the basic Linux terminal and staying anonymous with tor. Furthermore, you will learn a great deal about Virtual Private Networks (VPN).

10 Top Kali Linux Tutorials For Beginners—[2023 AUG] — Learn Kali (4)

6. Kali Linux Hacking Lab for Beginners

Learn to hack with Kali Linux! Easily create your own hacking labs and do penetration testing

Learn the basics of Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux.

The goal of this course is to help you learn the basic fundamentals of hacking and to give you an introduction to becoming an ethical hacker. This course targets students who have little or no experience in hacking or penetration testing.

In this course you will not only learn the theory behind hacking but you will also learn the practical side of ethical hacking. You will learn how to set up your own virtual lab environment just like the one used in this course. You will be able to follow the step you see in the lecture and replicate them in your own lab in environment. This course also has PDFs for each of the lectures to help you follow along.

10 Top Kali Linux Tutorials For Beginners—[2023 AUG] — Learn Kali (5)

7. The Complete Ethical Hacking Course 2.0: Python & Kali Linux

Learn how to become an Ethical Hacker using Python and use Kali Linux to perform penetration testing on networks.

Learn network penetration testing, ethical hacking using the amazing programming language, Python along with Kali Linux.

We have designed the course especially for beginners and intermediate level students -no matter where you are in your web site development and coding journey — It is for sure that the future belongs to penetration testers and ethical hackers for protecting enterprise networks and seeking potential vulnerabilities within the network. We also use state-of-the-art editors that are easy to learn and use.

8. Hacking WEP/WPA/WPA2 WiFi Networks Using Kali Linux 2.0

The Comprehensive course to Secure & Crack WEP/WPA/WPA2 key and perform MITM attack From scratch using Kali Linux 2.0.

In this course, you will start as a beginner without any previous knowledge about the hacking, this course focuses on the practical side and the theoretical side.

In this course you will learn how to set up your Kali Linux Environment properly without any issues, and we will learn on Kali Linux 2.0 which is the newest version of offensive security Organization, then you will learn how the Devices communicate with each other, then you will go through the theory behind each method during cracking WEP and WPA2 encryption because this will help you to understand what’s happening in the real world, then you will move to learn how to crack WEP/WPA2 WiFi encryption key using more than method, so if the first method didn’t work with you, you can try another one, and after cracking WEP/WPA2 encryption key you will learn how to perform a sophisticated attacks against any client in the network and this is going to be the gravest and the funniest part of this course, after all of that you will learn how to protect yourself and your accounts from these attacks, and how to prevent your WiFi Access Point against any attack .

This course is intended for beginners and professionals, if you are a beginner you will start from zero until you become a professional, and if you are a professional so this course will increase your knowledge about the hacking.

This course is divided to six parts:

  1. Preparation: In this section, you will learn how to download and setup Kali Linux 2.0 properly as a virtual machine and also how to install it as your main OS, then you’ll learn how to keep it always up to date, this will help you to create your safe Environment to do any kind of Penetration Testing.
  2. Network Basics: here you will learn the basics of networks that will help you to understand what’s happening in the real world before you get into network security testing.
  3. Gather AP information Before Cracking: in this section you’ll learn how you can Gather information about the target Access Point such as (ESSID-BSSID-Channel-Encryption type, etc……) before cracking the password because you can’t hack anything without having as much as possible of information about the target, and you’ll learn how you can disconnect any client from your target network or even jam your target AP completely without having the password.
  4. Cracking WEP/WPA/WPA2 Encryption: After gathering information about the target Access Point now you’ll move to learn how you to Crack WEP/WPA/WPA2 encryption key and the theory behind each method.
  5. MITM Attack: this is the gravest and the funniest section in this course because it includes a lot of funny things that you can do once you get access into the target AP such as (playing music in the target computer, stealing the passwords, and much more you can see it in the course…) and even fully control the connected devices.
  6. Protecting yourself against these attacks: after learning all of these attacks now it’s time to learn how to protect yourself and your accounts against all of the previous attacks starting from cracking the WiFi AP key and ending with MITM Attacks, so you’ll learn how to prevent yourself and your WiFi AP and your accounts from these attacks.

9. Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing: Kali Linux & Security

Ethical Hacking And Penetration Testing: Learn To Hack Network, Cyber & Web Security From Scratch, Nmap & Metasploit.

Ethical Hacking is looking for weaknesses and vulnerabilities in system by hacking the target system as a malicious hacker. Governments and companies needs these people to reinforce their security systems against real hackers, but if you can’t find what is wrong about security systems and breakthrough them, you’re missing great career opportunities and other people will grab them.

Complete Ethical Hacking course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to know hacking concepts, test security systems, use the right attack tools and master Penetration Testing.

Except if you’re already an excellent ethical hacker, know Trojan concepts, do malware reverse engineering, do webserver attacks, hack web and wireless networks or develop anti-malware softwares, you are going to lose more opportunities and miss career advancements to become an important person for organization, improving their security systems.

In This Ethical Hacking Training, You’ll Learn:

  • Information Security Threats and Attack Vectors
  • Hacking Concepts, Types and Phases
  • Malware Threats
  • Trojan Concepts
  • Malware Reverse Engineering & Detection
  • Anti-Malware Software
  • Penetration Testing
  • Session Hijacking Concepts
  • Application Level Session Hijacking
  • Network-level Session Hijacking
  • Hacking Webservers
  • Webserver Attacks & Concepts
  • Attack Methodology
  • Webserver Attack Tools
  • Hacking Web Applications
  • Hacking Wireless Networks

10. Kali Linux — Backtrack Evolved

Assuring Security by Penetration Testing.

Justin Hutchens (tutor) currently works as a security consultant and regularly performs penetration tests and security assessments for a wide range of clients. He previously served in the United States Air Force where he worked as an intrusion detection specialist, network vulnerability analyst and malware forensic investigator for a large enterprise network with over 55,000 networked systems. He currently holds a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology and multiple professional information security certifications, to include CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional), eWPT (eLearnSecurity Web-Application Penetration Tester), GCIH (GIAC Certified Incident Handler), CNDA (Certified Network Defense Architect), CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker), ECSA (EC-Council Certified Security Analyst) and CHFI (Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator).

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10 Top Kali Linux Tutorials For Beginners—[2023 AUG] — Learn Kali (2024)
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